
Magic #

Arcane Spells #

Table 33: Arcane Spell List #

Arcane SpellsDescription
Animate DeadCreate 1HD/level of 1HD skeletons or 3HD zombies in short range
Anti-Magic ShellBarrier around self negates all magic
Arcane SwordA glowing magical sword appears to attack enemies with caster’s spell attack for 1d10 dmg for 1 round / level
Charm Monster3d6 creatures of 3d6 HD or less in short range must Wis save or are your friends for 1 day
Charm PersonWis save or the target in short range is your friend for 1 hour
ClairvoyanceSee through eyes of any short range creature for 1 min, may change creatures each round
CloudkillCreate 20’ radius cloud for 10 min, each round creatures inside Con save or 5d6 damage, half on success
ConfusionMake 30’ radius area of confusion, creatures within must Wis save or cannot tell friend from foe
Conjure ElementalSummon an elemental, concentrate to maintain control or to dismiss
Contact Other PlaneOnce a month, ask an immortal any question, each question Int save vs DC 5 or go insane
Continual Light (Continual Darkness)Same as light (or darkness) spell, but lasts until dispelled
Control WeatherMake weather in the local area become rain, snow, fog, clear, high winds, or tornado while concentrating
Death Spell4d8 HD of creatures within 60’ radius die, lowest HD creatures first
Delayed Blast FireballCreate a small throwable gem that becomes a fireball between 1 and 60 rounds later, determined by the caster
Detect EvilKnow whether supernatural creatures or objects are in short range for 10 minutes
Detect InvisibleSee invisible things in short range
Detect MagicSee magical auras within short range for 10 minutes
Dimension DoorShort range target must Dex save or be transported up to 360’ away
DisintegrateA creature or nonmagical item is destroyed
Dispel MagicInt check DC 8+spell level to destroy 20’ radius spell effect
ESPDetect surface thoughts of one person in short range for 1 min
FeeblemindTarget must Int save or have intelligence reduced to 1, may retry save each month
Fireball20’radius must dex save or take 1d6/level damage, half damage if successful
Flesh to StoneTarget must Con save or become petrified or restore a petrified target to normal
Floating DiscSummon a 3’ disk that holds 500lbs for 1 hour
FlyFor 1d6+1/level rounds touched target can fly with 120’ fly speed
Geas (Remove Geas)Short range target must Wis save or be forced to do a task, 1 level of exhaustion/week not doing said task, or remove a geas
Greater TeleportA touched nonliving object up to 50lbs teleports per the teleport spell
Growth of PlantsEnlarge 3000’ sq of plants to block passage
Hallucinatory Terrain240’ radius of land becomes an illusory terrain feature until touched or dispelled
HasteCreatures in 30’ radius move double speed and take two actions a round for 3 rounds
Hold MonsterUp to 4 living creatures in 60’ radius must Str save or be paralyzed
Hold PersonUp to 4 humanoids within 120’ must Str save or be paralyzed
Hold PortalA touched door can’t be opened except by caster for 1 hour
InfravisionTouch target sees short range in the dark for 1 day
Instant SummonsOne familiar nonliving object weighing up to 50lbs from your home appears in your hand
InvisibilityOne touched target can’t be seen for 1 min or until they attack or cast a spell
Invisibility 10’ Radius10’ radius of people can’t be seen until they leave the area of effect, attack, or cast a spell
Invisible StalkerAn invisible stalker is summoned and must obey a mission of the caster’s choosing
KnockOne touched locked object or magical lock is no longer locked
Legend LoreKnow a brief description about any person, place, or object
LevitateOne touched target can lift straight up in the air 20’/round for 6 rounds + 1/lvl, carrying up to 200lbs
Light (Darkness)A small touched object glows (or emits darkness) in 20’ radius for 1 hour
Lightning BoltMake 60’ line of lightning, Dex save or 1d6 damage/level, half damage on success
Locate ObjectKnow where one specific object is within short range
Lower WaterRaise or lower 10,000’ sq of water to half depth
Magic JarPut your soul in a vessel to “soul swap” and possess person within 120’ on a failed Cha save
Magic MissileMissile auto-hits targets for 1d4+1 damage, +2 missiles per 5 caster levels
Massmorph240’ radius of people look like trees until they leave the area
Mirror ImageMake 1d4 body doubles surrounding you who take your place when attacked and disappear after being hit
Move EarthMake a 240’ hole by moving earth up to 360’ away over the course of an hour
Part WaterCreate 10’ wide path 120’ long for 1 hour
PasswallPut a 10’ deep hole in stone short range for 30 min
Phantasmal ForceMake illusionary monster, place or effect while concentrating that can do nonlethal damage and ends when touched
Polymorph OthersShort range target must Cha save or permanently change into another type of creature
Polymorph SelfChange yourself into the form of a creature weaker than you for 1 hour
Power Word StunCreature within 120ft with less than 70 HP is stunned and must Str save each round or stay stunned
Projected ImageMake an illusionary double of yourself you can cast spells from, but disappears when touched
Protection from EvilSupernatural creatures can’t charm, frighten, possess target, have disadvantage vs touched target
Protection from Evil 10’ RadiusProtection from Evil and Good in 10’ radius
Protection from Normal MissilesShort range target is immune to small, non-magical missiles for 1 hour
Read LanguagesRead any language (but not spoken language) or coded message for 10 minutes
Read MagicRead and forever understand any particular scroll, spellbook, or magical inscription
ReincarnationBring an ally within touch back to life in a new body of a random species
Remove Curse (Curse)Touched target is cured of the effects of Curse or must Cha Save or get one category of rolls at disadvantage (caster’s choice)
Reverse GravityEverything inside a 30’ cube falls up
ShieldReaction, you have +4 AC, blocks magic missiles
Sleep4d8 HP of short range monsters go to sleep
TelekinesisMove 20lbs/level 20’/round for 6 rounds
TeleportTravel any destination in the same plane, if unfamiliar, Int Save DC 10 or land 1d10x10’ away
Transmute Mud to RockLiquefy 3000’ sq of mud or turn same amount of mud to stone for 3d6 days
VentriloquismMake your voice appear to come from any location or source (e.g. a statue or animal) in short range.
Wall of FireMake a 1200’ sq wall of fire, touch causes 1d6 damage, Con save to pass through
Wall of IceMake a 1200’ sq wall of icy blast, touch causes 1d6 damage, Con save to pass through
Wall of StoneCreate 500’ sq, 2’ thick stone wall until dispelled or broken, toppling inflicts 10d10 dmg
Water BreathingTouched target can breathe underwater for 1 day
WebSpray webs in 10’ area that blocks movement. Caught creatures must make a Str save to break free
Wizard EyeMake a floating eyeball for 1 hour you can see through
Wizard LockAny touched lock or door can’t be opened except by caster, forever until dispelled

Divine Spells #

Table 34: Arcane Spell List #

Divine SpellsDescription
Animate Deadcreate 1HD/level of 1HD skeletons or 3HD zombies in short range
Animate Objects400lbs of objects in short range can move and are under control of the caster
Antilife ShellAll life is pushed out and prevented from entering short range around you for conentration for 1 hour
Bless (Blight)Short range creatures in a 20’ radius get +1d4 to rolls for 1 hour or get -1d4 to rolls for 1 hour
Cure (Cause) DiseaseCure one nonmagical disease or poison from touched target or cause one nonmagical disease
Cure (Cause) Light WoundsTouched creature is cured 1d6+1 HP or healed from paralysis or touched creature suffers 1d6+1 dmg
Cure (Cause) Serious WoundsTouched creature is cured 2d6+2 HP or suffers 2d6+2 damage
CommuneDirectly speak to your deity and get direct answers to three questions once per month
Continual Light (Continual Darkness)Same as light (or darkness) spell, but lasts until dispelled
Create FoodMake enough food to feed 12 people
Create (Destroy) WaterCreate or destroy 50 gallons of water
Detect EvilKnow whether supernatural creatures or objects are in short range for 10 min
Detect MagicSee short range magical auras for 10 minutes
Dispel EvilIn short range, break charms, fear, possession, supernatural creatures have disadvantage, or spell attack vs supernatural creature is dismissed to their home plane
Find the PathFor 1 hour / caster level see the path leading to a specific location
Find TrapsSee mechanical and magical traps glow blue for 10 min
Growth of AnimalA normal, non-magical animal doubles in size and strength for 2 hours
Hold personUp to 4 humanoids must Str save or be paralyzed
Insect PlagueSummon a 30’ radius swarm of insects which obscure vision and drive off low level creatures for 1 day
Know AlignmentKnow the alignment of a short range target
Locate ObjectKnow where one specific object is within short range
Light (Darkness)A small touched object glows (or emits darkness) in 20’ radius for 1 hour
Neutralize PoisonPoison is neutralized on/in touched creature or object and target is cured of the poison’s effects
Protection from EvilSupernatural creatures can’t charm, frighten, possess touched target, and have disadvantage vs touched target
Protection from Evil 10’ RadiusProtection from Evil and Good in a 10’ radius
Purify Food and DrinkFood and drinks for a dozen people are no longer poisoned
Quest (Remove Quest)Target within 30’ must Wis save or be forced to a task, 1 level of exhaustion/week not doing said task, or remove a quest
Raise Dead (Finger of Death)Bring to life a humanoid dead for 1 day / caster level or a creature in short range must Con save or die
Remove (Cause) FearTouched creature cured of fear or long range target must Cha save or flee in fear
Remove Curse (Curse)Touched target is cured of the effects of Curse or must Cha Save or get one category of rolls at disadvantage (caster’s choice)
Resist ColdCreatures in short range survive cold weather, take half cold damage, and have advantage on save vs cold effects
Resist FireCreatures in short range survive hot weather, take half fire damage, and have advantage on save vs fire effects
Silence 15’ RadiusA 30’ radius is silent for 1 hour, target must Dex save or the effect will follow them
Snake CharmSnakes in short range won’t attack for 1d4+1 rounds
Speak with AnimalsYou can have an intelligible conversation with one short range animal for 1 hour
Speak with PlantsHave an intelligible telepathic conversation with plants, and they can do minor favors if able
Sticks to Snakes2d8 sticks are turned into snakes, or vice versa
StrikingA single weapon in short range is enchanted and deals +1d6 damage
Word of RecallTeleport yourself to your permanent home or sanctuary