
Equipment #

Equipment is generally available to buy in any outpost of civilization. Depending of where you are buying from, there may be a limit to what is on hand or able to be ordered. Vehicles are typically made to order and require specialized labor to make.

Items listed below can be carried, worn, or equipped as is reasonable: that is, you may have as many swords strapped to you as makes practical sense, a the GM’s discretion.

Some magic items require attunement in order to use their powers. Such magic items are generally ones which have at least a very limited form of will and awareness, if not proper intelligence, and must be willed into doing the wielder’s bidding. Attuning just requires the character to dedicate a small amount of time becoming familiar with the items. The number of magic items a character can attune to at one time is limited to 2 + Cha bonus (minimum 1).

Table 28: Weapons #
Dagger31d4Light, thrownShort
Hand Axe31d4Light, thrownShort
Mace51d6Club, light
Staff51d6Club, two-handed
Battle Axe71d6
Morning Star61d6Club
Flail81d8Club, two-handed
Spear11d4Light, thrownShort
Lance41d10Mounted only
Short Bow251d6Light, ranged, two-handedLong
Composite Bow501d8Ranged, two-handedLong
Hand Crossbow501d4RangedShort
Light Crossbow151d6Light, ranged, two-handedShort
Heavy Crossbow251d8Ranged, two-handedLong
Weapon Attributes #
ClubIs considered a club for purposes of weapon proficiency
LightEligible for the two-weapon fighting combat maneuver
Mounted OnlyDisadvantage when not attacking while riding a mount
RangedUses ammunition, Attack roll is Dex, No ability bonus applied to dmg
ThrownMay be thrown, Attack roll is Dex, Apply Str bonus to dmg
Two-handedMay not be used with a shield or with two-weapon fighting
Table 29: Ammunition #
Quiver of 20 Arrows10
Case with 30 Quarrels10
20 Arrows/30 Quarrels5
Silver Tipped Arrow5
Table 30: Armor #
Leather ArmorLight1512 + Dex Bonus
Chain-type Mail3014 + Dex Bonus (max +2)
Plate Mail5016
HelmetLight1011 + Dex Bonus
Barding (Horse Armor)15014
Table 31: Transport #
Draft Horse30
Light Horse40
Warhorse, Medium100
Warhorse, Heavy200
Saddle Bags10
Small Boat100
Small Merchant Ship5,000
Large Merchant Ship20,000
Small Galley10,000
Large Galley30,000
Table 32: Sundries #
50’ of Rope1
10’ Pole1
12 Iron Spikes1
Small Sack1
Large Sack2
Leather Back Pack5
Water/Wine Skin1
6 Torches1
Flask of Oil2
3 Stakes & Mallet3
Steel Mirror5
Silver Mirror, Small15
Wooden Holy Symbol2
Silver Holy Symbol25
Holy Water/Vial25
Wolvesbane, bunch10
Belladonna, bunch10
Garlic, bud5
Wine, quart1
1 week rations for 1 person5