
Classes #

Cleric #

The cleric is a holy servant, on a mission. Clerics cast divine magic, largely dealing with healing, protection, and channeling holy light to cast out the legions of the dead. Whether acting as an agent of a religious order, or travelling in search of enlightenment or penance, or simply filling a percieved need, clerics strive to boost others and to drive off the effects of evil magics wherever they go.

Cleric Traits #

Table 13: Cleric Traits #
Hit dice1d8
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d8 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsClubs, maces, and all armor and shields
Saving Throw ProficiencyWisdom, Charisma
Turn UndeadTurn away undead within 30'
AuguryAsk about the future, get the answer “weal” and/or “woe”.
Divine CastingMemorize 1 spell per slot
Scroll UseCan cast scrolls from their spell list
Smite+1d8 to damage on attack action
Destroy UndeadLow-HD undead destroyed on turn

Trait: Turn Undead #

As an action, a cleric may rebuke any undead creatures in a 30’ radius. Any affected undead creatures must make a wisdom save or the must flee and cannot move closer to the cleric. The DC for the save is 10 + the cleric’s charisma bonus. The DC increases by 1 upon gaining 3rd level, and again on levels 5, 7, 10, and 13.

Trait: Augury #

Once per day, a cleric may ask their patron deity a single question about what the future portends. For example, “Is it a good idea to open this door?”. The cleric will get one of three answers: “Weal” if the outcome would be generally good, “Woe” if the outcome would be generally bad, or both “Weal and Woe” if the outcome is both good and bad.

Trait: Divine Spellcasting #

Beginning at 2nd level, a cleric can cast divine spells. Each day the cleric can memorize a number of spells equal to the number of spell slots for that level, from the entire divine spell list.

Trait: Scroll Use #

A cleric can cast a divine spell from a scroll without memorizing the spell or expending a spell slot. Doing so destroys the scroll. The mage must make an wisdom check with proficiency against a DC 5 + spell level. Failing causes the casting to fail. If the spell is of the level the cleric can memorize and cast normally, the check automatically succeeds.

Trait: Smite #

Beginning at 4th level, a cleric can channel divine power into a single attack roll per turn, granting 1d8 additional damage on a hit. An extra 1d8 of damage is gained at 8th and 12th level.

Table 14: Cleric Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d8+2Turn Undead DC 10 + Cha, Augury
22d8+2Divine Spellcasting
33d8+2Turn Undead DC 11 + Cha
44d8+2Smite 1d8
55d8+3Turn Undead DC 12 + Cha
66d8+3Destroy Undead 1 HD
77d8+3Turn Undead DC 13 + Cha
88d8+3Smite 2d8
99d9+4Destroy Undead 2 HD
1010d8+4Turn Undead DC 14 + Cha
1110d8+2+4Destroy Undead 4HD
1210d8+4+4Smite 3d8
1310d8+6+5Turn Undead DC 15 + Cha
Cleric Spell Slots by Level #
Cleric Spell List #
Cure Light Wounds (Cause Lt. Wounds)Bless (Blight)Continual Light (Continual Darkness)
Detect EvilFind TrapsCure Disease (Cause Disease)
Detect MagicHold PersonGrowth of Animal
Light (Darkness)Know AlignmentLocate Object
Protection from EvilResist FireRemove Curse (Curse)
Purify Food and WaterSilence 15’ RadiusStriking
Remove Fear (Cause Fear)Snake Charm
Resist ColdSpeak with Animals
Create WaterCommuneAnimate Dead
Cure Serious Wounds (Cause Sr. Wounds)Create FoodAnimate Objects
Neutralize PoisonDispel EvilAntilife Shell
Protection from Evil 10’ RadiusInsect PlagueFind the Path
Speak with PlantsQuest (Remove Quest)Word of Recall
Sticks to SnakesRaise Dead (Finger of Death)

Dwarf #

Dwarven armies have gained their sterling reputation through constant warfare with the underground threats, along with their own spin on the cleric specialized for warfare: the warpriest. These are pracitioners of prayer and melee combat, and can provide vital support to the front lines in ways clerics cannot.

Dwarf Traits #

Table 15: Dwarf Traits #
Hit dice1d8
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d8 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsAll melee weapons, all armor and shields
Saving Throw ProficiencyConstitution, Wisdom
Lay on Hands1d8/level healing per day
Smite+1d8 to damage on attack action
Divine SpellcastingMemorize 1 spell per slot
Inspire CourageAllies within radius have advantage on saving throws
Combat ManeuverGain a warrior’s combat maneuver

Trait: Lay on Hands #

Each day, a dwarf has a pool of healing dice equal to their level. As a reaction, they can spend these dice at any time to heal themselves or anyone they can touch within 5’. That character is healed of 1d8 damage per die spent. Any number of dice may be spent per reaction, provided they are still available.

Trait: Smite #

Beginning at 2nd level, a dwarf can channel divine power into a single attack roll per turn, granting 1d8 additional damage on a hit. An extra 1d8 of damage is gained at 5th, 8th and 11th level.

Trait: Divine Spellcasting #

Beginning at 2nd level, a dwarf can cast divine spells. Each day the dwarf can memorize a number of spells equal to the number of spell slots for that level, from the entire divine spell list.

Trait: Inspire Courage #

Beginning at 4th level, a dwarf can use their action to give allies within a 5’ radius advantage on one attack roll and one saving throw until the start of your next turn. This radius increases to 10’ at 7th level, and to 15’ at 13th level.

Trait: Combat Maneuver #

Beginning at 6th level, a dwarf can gain a warrior’s combat maneuver from Table 22. They may select another combat maneuver to learn at 9th and 11th levels.

Table 16: Dwarf Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d8+2Lay on Hands
22d8+2Smite 1d8
33d8+2Divine Spellcasting
44d8+2Inspire Courage 5'
55d8+3Smite 2d8
66d8+3Combat Maneuver
77d8+3Inspire Courage 10'
88d8+3Smite 3d8
99d8+4Additional Combat Maneuver
1110d8+3+4Smite 4d8
1210d8+6+4Additional Combat Maneuver
1310d8+9+5Inspire Courage 15'
Dwarf Spell Slots by Level #
Dwarf Spell List #
Cure Light Wounds (Cause Lt. Wounds)Bless (Blight)Continual Light (Continual Darkness)
Detect EvilFind TrapsCure Disease (Cause Disease)
Detect MagicHold PersonGrowth of Animal
Light (Darkness)Know AlignmentLocate Object
Protection from EvilResist FireRemove Curse (Curse)
Purify Food and WaterSilence 15’ RadiusStriking
Remove Fear (Cause Fear)Snake Charm
Resist ColdSpeak with Animals

Elf #

The elves have developed their own elegant style of combat, dancing gracefully among enemies, twin blades twirling, along with a canny arsenal of acrane magic to augment their combat. The elite among them are given the title of bladesinger.

Elf Traits #

Table 17: Elf Traits #
Hit dice1d6
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d6 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsSwords, bows, light weapons, light armor
Saving Throw ProficiencyConstitution, Wisdom
Spellbook2 spells known, + 1 per level gained
Two Weapon FightingGain the warrior combat maneuver
Additional Combat ManeuverPick another warrior combat maneuver
Weapon MasteryExtra die of weapon damage

Trait: Spellbook #

Elves start with a spellbook. That spellbook has 2 spells in it. An elf can learn an effectively infinite number of spells by adding them to the book. Spells can be added by finding other spellbooks and scrolls and adding the spells contained in them to their own spellbook. Doing so from a scroll destroys the scroll.

Spells can be memorized from the spellbook. An elf can memorize 1 spell per half their level + their intelligence bonus each day. These spells are cast using the spell slot.

Trait: Two Weapon Fighting #

Elves start having learned the warrior’s Two weapon fighting combat maneuver. Once per attack action, if holding a light weapon in your off-hand, you may make an additional attack roll with that weapon at disadvantage. You off-hand is the hand not holding the weapon used for the regular attack rolls.

Trait: Additional Combat Maneuver #

Upon reaching 5th level, an elf can gain a warrior’s combat maneuver from Table 22. They may select another combat maneuver to learn at 9th and 13th levels.

Trait: Weapon Mastery #

Upon reaching 6th and 10th level, an elf may select one of the following categories of weapon: Swords, spears, clubs, staves, daggers, or bows. Attacks with that weapon do an extra die of damage. For each additional mastery gained, you may select to either gain mastery in a new category of weapon, or to stack the effect on an already mastered category for yet another die of damage.

Table 18: Elf Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d6+2Spellbook, Two Weapon Fighting
55d6+3Additional Combat Maneuver
66d6+3Weapon Mastery
99d6+4Additional Combat Maneuver
1010d6+4Weapon Mastery
1310d6+6+5Additional Combat Maneuver
Table 22: Elf Spell Slots by Level #
Elf Spell List #
Charm PersonContinual Light (Continual Darkness)ClairvoyanceCharm Monster
Detect MagicDetect EvilDispel MagicConfusion
Floating DiscDetect InvisibleFire BallDimension Door
Hold PortalESPFlyGrowth of Plants
Light (Darkness)InvisibilityHasteHallucinatory Terrain
Magic MissileKnockHold PersonMassmorph
Protection from EvilLevitateInfravisionPolymorph Others
Read LanguagesLocate ObjectInvisibility 10’ RadiusPolymorph Self
Read MagicMirror ImageLightning BoltRemove Curse (Curse)
ShieldPhantasmal ForceProtection from Evil 10’ RadiusWall of Fire
SleepWebProtection from Normal MissilesWall of Ice
VentriloquismWizard LockWater BreathingWizard Eye

Jack #

We all know that person who can take apart machinery and put it back together, plays multiple musical instruments, binds their own books by hand, and practives multiple martial arts. That person would be a jack.

Jacks are, as their name suggest, jacks of all trades. They are competent fighters, being proficient in many weapons and can wear some armor, they have the skills of a thief, and the spells of a mage. They can do none of these these as well as the specialists can, but Jacks are versatile enough to blend into any party and fill the gaps of any role needed.

Jack Traits #

Table 19: Jack Traits #
Hit dice1d6
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d6 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsAll one-handed weapons, crossbows, light weapons and armors
Saving Throw ProficiencyDexterity, Constitution
Jack SkillsStealth, lockpick tools, perception, climbing, disarming traps, and sleight of hand proficiency
LuckyReroll 1’s on any ability check once
Spellbook2 spells known, + 1 per level gained
Scroll UseCan cast scrolls or copy scrolls from their spell list
Deciphering LanguagesGain proficiency in deciphering languages
AidGrant advantage to an ally’s next roll

Trait: Jack Skills #

Regardless of background, all jacks are proficient in activities involving stealth, lockpick tools, perception, climbing, disarming traps, and sleight of hand, and rolling for initiative.

Trait: Lucky #

When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Trait: Spellbook #

Starting at 2nd level jacks gain a spellbook. That spellbook has 2 spells in it. A jack can learn an effectively infinite number of spells by adding them to the book. Spells can be added by finding other spellbooks and scrolls and adding the spells contained in them to their own spellbook. Doing so from a scroll destroys the scroll.

Spells can be memorized from the spellbook. A jack can memorize 1 spell per level + their intelligence bonus each day. These spells are cast using the spell slot.

Trait: Scroll Use #

A Jack can cast a spell from a scroll without memorizing the spell or expending a spell slot. Doing so destroys the scroll. The jack must make a charisma check with proficiency against a DC 5 + spell level. Failing causes the casting to fail. If the spell is of the level the jack can memorize and cast normally, the check automatically succeeds. Use the Mage or Cleric spell list to determine spell level.

Trait: Deciphering Languages #

At 6th level a jack gains proficiency in deciphering languages.

Trait: Aid #

At 3rd level, a jack grant advantage to an ally within 30’ once per day as a reaction. They can grant aid an additional time per day at 7th level, and again at 11th level.

Table 20: Jack Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d6+2Jack Skills, Lucky
22d6+2Spellbook, Scroll Use
33d6+2Aid 1x/day
66d6+3Deciphering Languages
77d6+3Aid 2x/day
1110d6+2+4Aid 3x/day
Table 22: Jack Spell Slots by Level #
Jack Spell List #
Charm PersonContinual Light (Continual Darkness)ClairvoyanceCharm Monster
Detect MagicDetect EvilDispel MagicConfusion
Floating DiscDetect InvisibleFire BallDimension Door
Hold PortalESPFlyGrowth of Plants
Light (Darkness)InvisibilityHasteHallucinatory Terrain
Magic MissileKnockHold PersonMassmorph
Protection from EvilLevitateInfravisionPolymorph Others
Read LanguagesLocate ObjectInvisibility 10’ RadiusPolymorph Self
Read MagicMirror ImageLightning BoltRemove Curse (Curse)
ShieldPhantasmal ForceProtection from Evil 10’ RadiusWall of Fire
SleepWebProtection from Normal MissilesWall of Ice
VentriloquismWizard LockWater BreathingWizard Eye

Mage #

Whether learned through dedicated study, or granted by a supernatural entity, or just naturally gifted, a mage is a person who can wield arcane energy. They gather spells in a book, and can use them to cast rituals, or can memorize the spells to cast them in the heat of battle. The variety of spells they can cast is only limited by the extent of arcane knowledge and the size of the book they are willing to lug around.

Mage Traits #

Table 21: Mage Traits #
Hit dice1d4
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d4 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsDaggers and staves
Saving Throw ProficiencyIntelligence, Wisdom
Spellbook2 spells known, + 1 per level gained
Ritual CastingCast spells from spellbook for free, but it takes 10 minutes
Scroll UseCan cast or copy scrolls from their spell list
CantripCreate minor magical effects at will

Trait: Spellbook #

Mages start with a spellbook. That spellbook has 2 spells in it. A mage can learn an effectively infinite number of spells by adding them to the book. Spells can be added by finding other spellbooks and scrolls and adding the spells contained in them to their own spellbook. Doing so from a scroll destroys the scroll.

Spells can be memorized from the spellbook. A mage can memorize 1 spell per level + their intelligence bonus each day. These spells are cast using the spell slot.

Trait: Ritual Casting #

A mage can cast any spell from their spellbook without memorizing it or expending a spell slot by casting it as a ritual. Doing so makes the spell take a minimum of 10 minutes to cast.

Trait: Scroll Use #

A mage can cast an arcane spell from a scroll without memorizing the spell or expending a spell slot. Doing so destroys the scroll. The mage must make an intelligence check with proficiency against a DC 5 + spell level. Failing causes the casting to fail. If the spell is of the level the mage can memorize and cast normally, the check automatically succeeds.

Trait: Cantrip #

As an action, the mage may make a single minor magical effect. Example ideas include producing bright sparks, lighting a torch, amplifying your voice similar to a megaphone, or making something give a minor (non-damaging) shock when it is touched.

Table 22: Mage Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d4+2Spellbook, Ritual Casting, Scroll Use, Cantrip
Table 22: Mage Spell Slots by Level #
Mage Spell List #
Charm PersonContinual Light (Continual Darkness)ClairvoyanceCharm Monster
Detect MagicDetect EvilDispel MagicConfusion
Floating DiscDetect InvisibleFire BallDimension Door
Hold PortalESPFlyGrowth of Plants
Light (Darkness)InvisibilityHasteHallucinatory Terrain
Magic MissileKnockHold PersonMassmorph
Protection from EvilLevitateInfravisionPolymorph Others
Read LanguagesLocate ObjectInvisibility 10’ RadiusPolymorph Self
Read MagicMirror ImageLightning BoltRemove Curse (Curse)
ShieldPhantasmal ForceProtection from Evil 10’ RadiusWall of Fire
SleepWebProtection from Normal MissilesWall of Ice
VentriloquismWizard LockWater BreathingWizard Eye
Animate DeadAnti-Magic ShellDelayed Blast Fireball
CloudkillControl WeatherLegend Lore
Conjure ElementalDeath SpellPower Word Stun
Contact Higher PlaneDisintegrateReverse Gravity
FeeblemindGeas (Remove Geas)Instant Summons
Hold MonsterInvisible StalkerArcane Sword
Magic JarLower WaterGreater Teleport
Pass-WallMove Earth
TelekinesisPart Water
TeleportProjected Image
Transmute Rock to Mud (Mud to Rock)Reincarnation
Wall of StoneStone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)

Thief #

A thief is an expert treasure hunter, well versed in the trade of dungeoneering. Thieves specialize in evading detection, getting into protected areas, and taking advantage of surprise. This includes escavators, cutthroats, monster hunters, and cat burglars. Basically anyone with devious insight and deft skill can fill the role of the thief.

Thief Traits #

Table 23: Thief Traits #
Hit dice1d6
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d6 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsCrossbows, light weapons and armors
Saving Throw ProficiencyDexterity, Charisma
Backstab2d6 + 1d6 every third level bonus damage when you have advantage
Thief SkillsStealth, lockpick tools, perception, climbing, disarming traps, and sleight of hand proficiency
Skill MasteryDouble proficiency bonus in a selected thief skill
Deciphering LanguagesGain proficiency in deciphering languages
Scroll UseCast scroll with a Cha check DC 5 + spell level

Trait: Backstab #

When a thief either attacks on an initiative round, or attacks with advantage, they add 2d6 to their damage roll. The damage increases by an additional 1d6 for every third level gained.

Trait: Thief Skills #

Regardless of background, all thieves are proficient in activities involving stealth, lockpick tools, perception, climbing, disarming traps, and sleight of hand, and rolling for initiative.

Trait: Skill Mastery #

For each four levels gained, you may select one thief skill to gain expertise in. The proficiency bonus is applied twice to ability rolls for that activity. You may only select a particular skill for expertise once: expertise cannot apply to the same skill multiple times.

Trait: Deciphering Languages #

At 6th level a thief gains proficiency in deciphering languages and may gain skill mastery in it at later levels.

Trait: Scroll Use #

At 8th Level a Thief can attempt to cast scrolls of spells as an action. To do so requires a Charisma check DC 5 + spell of the spell. At 10th level they are proficient in scroll use and so may apply their proficiency bonus to the check. Use the Mage or Cleric spell list to determine spell level.

Table 24: Thief Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d6+2Backstab 2d6, Thief Skills
44d6+2Backstab 3d6
55d6+3Skill mastery
66d6+3Deciphering Languages
77d6+3Backstab 4d6
88d6+3Scroll Use
99d6+4Skill mastery
1010d6+4Backstab 5d6
1110d6+2+4Scroll Use Proficiency
1310d6+6+5Backstab 6d6, Skill Mastery

Warrior #

A warrior is a person who fights professionally, usually as part of a career track that involves gaining knighthood and feudal lordship through service in combat. This includes sellswords, squires, soldiers, barbarians, and tournament fighters.

Warrior Traits #

Table 25: Warrior Traits #
Hit dice1d10
Starting Hit Points4 + 1d10 + Con Bonus
Armor & WeaponsAll armor, weapons, and shields
Saving Throw ProficiencyStrength, Deterity
Combat Maneuver2 at 1st level, +1 every 3rd level gained
Weapon MasteryExtra die of weapon damage

Trait: Combat Maneuvers #

A warrior starts having learned two different combat manuevers. For every three levels gained, you may select one more combat maneuver to learn. Each maneuver may only be learned once, except for Extra Attack, which may be learned multiple times. Each maneuver may only be activated once per turn. For example, you may not use Charge on multiple attacks in a round.

Trait: Weapon Mastery #

For every four levels gained, you may select one of the following categories of weapon: Swords, spears, clubs, staves, daggers, or bows. Attacks with that weapon do an extra die of damage. For each additional mastery gained, you may select to either gain mastery in a new category of weapon, or to stack the effect on an already mastered category for yet another die of damage.

Table 26: Combat Maneuvers #
ChargeOnce per Attack action, if you used your full movement to approach an enemy, your next attack roll has advantage.
SetWhen an enemy uses full movement to attack, you may use a rection to strike first with advantage before the enemy attack.
Extra AttackUsing your action to attack involves an extra attack roll. This may be taken more than once, with each time giving an additional attack roll.
SmashOnce per attack action, you may elect for your next attack roll to have disadvantage, and you may apply your strength score (note: not strength bonus, the strength score) to the damage roll in addition to any normal strength and magic bonuses.
ParryYou may forgo one attack roll on your turn to automatically cause the next enemy attack roll targeting you to miss. The effect lasts until the start of your next turn. If you have extra attacks, you may forgo additional attack rolls to cause more enemy attack rolls to miss.
DisarmOnce per attack action, you may elect for your next attack roll against a weapon-weilding opponent to have disadvantage, and on a successful hit, the opponent takes no damage from the attack, but instead drops their weapon.
Two weapon fightingOnce per attack action, if holding a light weapon in your off-hand, you may make an additional attack roll with that weapon at disadvantage. You off-hand is the hand not holding the weapon used for the regular attack rolls.
Table 27: Warrior Abilities by Level #
LevelHit DiceProficiency BonusFeature
11d10+22 Combat Maneuvers
44d10+2Additional combat maneuver
55d10+3Weapon Mastery
77d10+3Additional combat maneuver
99d10+4Weapon Mastery
1010d10+4Additional combat maneuver
1310d10+9+5Additional combat maneuver, Weapon Mastery