
Monsters #

Monsters are any Non-Player Characters (NPCs) involved in combat. Monsters are not as mechanically fleshed out as Player Characters (PCs): they don’t have classes, don’t gain levels. They have two main traits: their hit dice (HD), and any special attacks they may have. Hit dice determine their power level, with 1HD being roughly equivalent to (or maybe slightly under-powered from) a 1st level character.

Poor rolls are activities that are awkward for that creature, or that they are not designed to do. Proficient rolls are things they are used to doing regularly, like attacks. Good rolls are for the things they specialize in or are known for being especially good at. Like a giant’s strength, or a tiger’s stealth, or a signature attack.

Dmg describes the number of damage dice across all attacks in a round. Can be all in a single attack or spread across several attacks. For example 3d8 dmg/round can be a single attack for 3d8, or an attack of 1d8 and an attack of 2d8.

The number of special abilities is just a suggestion, but try to keep them within the theme of the monster. Some abilities shouldn’t be used on monsters commonly encountered before PCs have the tools to deal with them, such as permanent ability drain.

Table 46: Monster Stats by HD #

HDHPPoorProfGoodDmg/Round# Specials

Table 47: Monster Specials #

SpecialMin HDDescription
Ability Drain-Save or temporarily lose 1d6 of that ability
Area of Effect510’/2HD cone or 5’/2HD sphere or 10’/2HD line, damage 1d6/2HD, save for half
Blood Drain-Successfully attacked creatures in touch range lose 1 die damage per round
Charge-As per the combat maneuver
Condition-Save or get condition (poison, paralysis, confusion) on successful attack
Construct-Unharmed by gas; unaffected by charm, hold, and sleep spells.
Damage resistance-Half or no damage to certain damage types
Division3Attacking with edged weapons produces 2HD clones of the monster
Diseased-On a crit, target must Con save or be diseased
Energy Drain3Permanently lose several HD worth of hit points
Infravision-Can see in the dark short range
Lycanthrope3Has human form, Mundane damage immunity, Summon 1d2 animals, wolfsbane forces Cha save or flee, Losing 1/2 total HP to lycanthrope attacks contracts infection
Movement-Gain a fly/swim/burrow/hover, etc speed
Multiattack31 extra attack per 3HD (+1 die to Dmg/Round)
Permanent Ability Drain5Save or permanently lose 1d6 of that ability
Regeneration-Regain hit points per round unless damaged by fire
Resistance-+2 to saving throws
Spellcasting-Know 2 spells
Swallow Whole5Swallow whole on crit, digesting is 1d4/round, daggers damage inside
Tenacious-Immune to morale effects
Trample-Advantage against creatures in touch range the the start of the turn
Undead-Immune to effects that affect living creatures and mind-affecting spells, curing is reversed

Table 47: Monster List A #

Acolyte, Leader31730'Spellcasting, Tenacious
Ape, White41240'

Table 49: Monster List B #

Bat1/41360'Fly, Confusion
Bat, Giant21360'Fly
Bat, Vampire21360'Unconsciousness, Blood drain 1d4
Bear, Black41340'Multiattack
Bear, Grizzly51440'Multiattack
Bear, Polar61340'Multiattack
Beetle, Fire11430'
Beetle, Oil21430'Blistering, 10'
Beetle, Tiger31530'
Black Pudding101220'Non-fire immunity, Division
Blink Dog41340'Teleport
Brigand, Cavalier11630'
Brigand, Footman11430'
Brigand, Leader21830'
Brigand, Commander41830'
Buccaneer, Bosun21430'
Buccaneer, Captain71430'

Table 50: Monster List C #

Caecilia61220'Swim, Swallow Whole
Carcass Crawler31140'Paralysis
Cat, Lion51250'
Cat, Mountain Lion31250'
Cat, Panther41470'
Cat, Sabre-Toothed Tiger81250'
Cat, Tiger61250'Camouflage
Cave Locust21460'Multiattack, Sickness
Centaur, young21360'
Centipede, Giant11020'Poison
Chimera91460'Fl 90’y, Cone of fire 3x/day
Cockatrice51260'Fly 90’, Petrification
Crab, Giant31620'Multiattack
Crocodile, Giant151730'Swim, Swallow whole
Crocodile, Large61630'Swim
Crocodile, Normal21330'Swim
Cyclops131330'Curse 1x/week

Table 51: Monster List D #

Djinni (Lesser)71330'Fly 90’, Spells: Invisibilty, Gaseous form, Illusions, Conjure metals and soft goods
Doppelgänger41330'Shape Stealing
Dragon, Black71630'Fly 80’, 60’ Line acid, 4 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, Blue91830'Fly 80’, 100’ Line lightning, 8 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, Gold112030'Fly 80’, 90’ Cone fire or poison, 12 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, Green81730'Fly 80’, Sphere poison, 6 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, Red101930'Fly 80’, 90’ Cone of fire, 9 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, Sea817-Swim/glide 60’, 20’ sphere poison, 6 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon, White61530'Fly 80’, 80’ Cone of cold, 3 arcane spells, Tenacious
Dragon Turtle302010'Swim 30’, 90’x30’ Cylinder of steam
Driver Ant41560'
Dryad21340'Tree meld, charm

Table 52: Monster List E #

Efreeti (Lesser)101530'Fly 80’, Mundane damage immunity, invisibility, illusion, wall of fire, confire metals and soft goods
Elemental, Air1217-Fly 120’, Mundane dmg immunity, Whirlwind, harm flying creatures +1d8
Elemental, Greater Air1620-Fly 120’, Mundane dmg immunity, Whirlwind, harm flying creatures +1d8
Elemental, Lesser Air816-Fly 120’, Mundane dmg immunity, Whirlwind, harm flying creatures +1d8
Elemental, Earth121720'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm creatures on ground +1d8
Elemental, Greater Earth162020'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm creatures on ground +1d8
Elemental, Lesser Earth81620'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm creatures on ground +1d8
Elemental, Fire121740'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm cold-based creatures +1d8
Elemental, Greater Fire162040'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm cold-based creatures +1d8
Elemental, Lesser Fire81640'Mundane dmg immunity, Blocked by water, Harm cold-based creatures +1d8
Elemental, Water121720'Swim 60’, Mundane dmg immunity, Water-bound, Harm creatures in water +1d8
Elemental, Greater Water162020'Swim 60’, Mundane dmg immunity, Water-bound, Harm creatures in water +1d8
Elemental, Lesser Water81620'Swim 60’, Mundane dmg immunity, Water-bound, Harm creatures in water +1d8
Elephant91340'Charge, Trample

Table 53: Monster List F #

Ferret, Giant11350'
Fish, Giant Bass211-Swim 40'
Fish, Giant Catfish814-Swim 30’, Swallow whole
Fish, Giant Piranha312-Swim 50’, Swarm 8-on-1
Fish, Giant Rockfish511-Swim 60’, Poison spines (Con Save or die)
Fish, Giant Sturgeon1018-Swim 60’, Swallow whole

Table 54: Monster List G #

Gargoyle41330'Fly 50’, mundane damage immunity, immune to sleep & charm
Gelatinous Cube41020'Str save or paralysis 1d4 turns, cold & lightning immunity
Ghoul21230'Paralysis 1d4 turns, Undead
Giant, Cloud121440'Keen senses, Long range boulder throwing 3d6
Giant, Fire111440'Fire immunity, Long range boulder throwing 3d6
Giant, Frost101440'Cold immunity, Long range boulder throwing 3d6
Giant, Hill81440'
Giant, Stone91440'Long range boulder throwing 3d6
Giant, Storm151650'Summon storm, Lightning bolt, Lightning immunity
Gnoll, Leader31330'
Gnome, Bodyguard31320'Infravision
Gnome, Chieftain41320'Infravision, +1 to damage
Gnome, Leader21320'Infravision
Goblin1/21220'Infravision, hate the sun
Goblin, Bodyguard21220'Infravision
Goblin King31220'Infravision, +1 to damage
Golem, Amber101260'Construct, Mundane damage immunity, perfect tracking, see invisibility
Golem, Bone81640'Construct, Mundane damage immunity, Energy immunity, Multiattack
Golem, Bronze201880'Construct, Mundane damage immunity, Fire immunity, Flaming blood Dex save or 2d6 dmg
Golem, Wood21140'Construct, Mundane damage immunity, flammable
Gorgon81640'Charge, Breath: 60’x10’ petrify
Grey Ooze3103'Energy immunity, Acid destroys touched armor + 2d8 dmg
Green Slime2-1'Acid: destroys wood and armor, consume flesh over 6 rounds, becomes green slime Cold and fire immunity
Griffon71340'Fly 120'

Table 55: Monster List H #

Halfling, Guard21130'
Harpy31120'Fly 50’, Charm long range, Magic resistance
Hawk, Giant312-Fly 150’, Swoop: charge, carry prey
Hawk, Normal1/210-Fly 160’ Swoop: charge
Hellhound51440'Fire breath: cone 60’ recharge 5-6, Fire immunity, See invisibilty short range
Hippogriff31360'Fly 120'
Hobgoblin, Bodyguard41230'
Hobgoblin, King51230'+1 to damage
Horse, Draft31130'
Horse, Riding21180'
Horse, War31140'Charge
Horse, Wild21180'Stampede
Hydra51340'+1 HD for each additional head

Table 56: Monster List I #

Insect Swarm21110'Fly 20’, Immunity: everything except fire, cold, sleep
Invisible Stalker81540'Perfect tracking, Invisibility

Table 57: Monster List K #

Killer Bee1/211__Fly 50’, Poison, lodged stinger 1 dmg/round, Tenacious
Killer Bee Queen211Fly 50’, Poison, Tenacious
Kobold1/21120'Infravision, Sneak Attack +1d6
Kobold, Bodyguard11120'Infravision, Sneak Attack +1d6
Kobold, Chieftain21120'Infravision, Sneak Attack +1d6

Table 58: Monster List L #

Leech, Giant61130'Blood drain 1d6, detached only on death
Living Statue, Crystal41430'Magical, Sleep immunity
Living Statue, Iron41610'Magical, Sleep immunity, weapons may get stuck
Living Statue, Rock51420'Magical, Sleep immunity, 2x Magma jet 2d6
Lizard, Giant Draco41340'Glide 70'
Lizard, Giant Gecko31340'Climb 40'
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon51640'Camouflage, Sticky tongue 2d4 dmg, tail knock down
Lizard, Giant Tuatara61440'Infravision
Lizard Man21320'Swim 40'
Lycanthrope, Devil Swine91560'Lycanthrope, Charm person 3x/day
Lycanthrope, Werebear61640'Lycanthrope, Multiattack
Lycanthrope, Wereboar41450'Lycanthrope, Battle rage: +2 to hit
Lycanthrope, Wererat31140'Lycanthrope, Sneak attack +1d6
Lycanthrope, Weretiger51550'Lycanthrope, Camouflage
Lycanthrope, Werewolf41360'Lycanthrope

Table 59: Monster List M #

Manticore61440'Fly 120’, Poison tail spikes
Mastodon151540'Charge, Trample
Medium11030'Spellcasting: 3 arcane spells
Medusa41030'Petrifying gaze, Snake bites poisonous
Merman312-Swim 40’, Water breathing
Mummy51520'Undead, Cha save for paralyze with terror, Mummy rot on attack, Immune to everthing but magic & fire, half damage on everything

Table 60: Monster List N #

Neanderthal (Caveman)21040'
Nixie11140'Charm, Bestow Water breathing, Summon giant bass
Normal Human1/21030'

Table 60: Monster List O #

Ochre Jelly51010'Immune to all but ice and fire, Division
Octopus, Giant81130'Swim 30’ Constriction +1d3 dmg, Ink cloud makes darkness
Orc11240'Hate the sun
Owl Bear51340'Multiattack

Table 61: Monster List P #

Pegasus21280'Fly 160'
Pixie11530'Fly 60’, Invisibility
Pterosaur, Pteranodon512-Fly 80'
Pterosaur, Pterodactyl111-Fly 60'
Purple Worm151220'Swallow whole, Poison: Con save or die

Table 62: Monster List R #

Rat, Giant1/21140'Swim 20’, Diseased, Afraid of fire
Rat, Normal1/41040'Swim 20’, Diseased, Afraid of fire
Rhagodessa41350'Multiattack, Walk on walls
Rhinoceros61340'Charge, Trample
Rhinoceros, Wooly81440'Charge, Trample
Robber Fly21230'Fly 90’, Charge, Poison immunity
Roc, Giant361820'Fly 160’, Charse, Carray away prey
Roc, Large121620'Fly 160’, Charse, Carray away prey
Roc, Normal61420'Fly 160’, Charse, Carray away prey
Rock Baboon21240'
Rust Monster51640'Metal that touches it rusts away

Table 63: Monster List S #

Salamander, Flame81640'Fire & mundane damage immunity, 20’ heat aura 1d8/round
Salamander, Frost121540'Cold & mundane damage immunity, 20’ cold aura 1d8/round
Scorpion, Giant41650'Poison string: Con save or die
Sea Serpent (Lesser)61350'Swim 50’, Can cause hull damage
Shadow21130'Str drain, Mundane dmg immunity, Immune to sleep and charm
Shark, Bull214-Swim 60’, Ram: Str save for stunned 3 rounds , Tenacious
Shark, Great White814-Swim 60’, Tenacious
Shark, Mako414-Swim 60’, Tenacious
Shrew, Giant11460'Climb 60’, Wins initiative
Shrieker3113'No attacks, Shriek: attracts monsters if triggered by nearby light or movement
Snake, Giant Rattler41340'Multiattack, Poison: Con save or die in 1d6 rounds
Snake, Pit Viper21230'Infravision, Wins initiative, Poison: Con save or die
Snake, Rock Python51230'Multiattack (constriction)
Snake, Sea Snake31230'Swim 30’, Poison: After 1d4+2 turns, Con save or die in 1d6 rounds
Snake, Spitting Cobra11130'Swim 30’, Poison: Con save or die in 1d10 rounds, Spit: Con save or permanent blindness
Spectre61650'Fly 100’, Undead, Mundane dmg immunity, Permanent Con drain
Spider, Giant Black Widow31220'Climb 40’, Poison: Con save or die in 1 round, Web: Str save or can’t move
Spider, Giant Crab21140'Climb 40’, Camouflage, Poison: Con save w/ Advantage or die in 1d4 rounds
Spider, Giant Tarantella31320'Climb 40’, Poison: Con save or dance uncontrollably
Sprite1/21320'Fly 60’, 5 sprites can curse with comical effect
Squid, Giant61140'Swim 40’, Multiattack, Ink cloud makes darkness
Stirge11110'Fly 60’, Charge, Blood drain 1d3

Table 64: Monster List T #

Thoul61240'Con save or paralysis 1d4 turns, Regeneration 1hp
Toad, Giant21130'Sticky tongue, Swallow whole
Treant81620'Animate trees short range
Triceratops111630'Charge, Trample
Troglodyte21330'Stench: Con save or disadvantage
Troll61440'Regeneration 3, Weak to fire and acid
Tyrannosaurus Rex201540'

Table 65: Monster List U #

Unicorn41680'Teleport 1/day

Table 66: Monster List V #

Vampire81640'Undead, Mundane dmg immunity, Energy drain 2HD, Regeneration 3, Summon breasts, vampire vulnerabilities

Table 67: Monster List W #

Warp Beast61450'Resistance, Displacement: effect of mirror image
Water Termite, Freshwater21240'
Water Termite, Saltwater41340'
Water Termite, Swamp11440'
Weasel, Giant41150'Infravision 30’, Blood drain 2d4
Whale, Killer61280'Swim 80’, Swallow whole
Whale, Narwhal121160'Swim 60'
Whale, Sperm361260'Swim 60’, Swallow whole
Wight31330'Undead, Mundane damage immunity, Energy drain 1HD
Wolf, Dire41250'
Wolf, Normal21160'
Wraith41540'Fly 80’, Undead, Mundane dmg immunity, Energy drain 1HD
Wyvern71530'Fly 80’, Poison: Con save or die

Table 68: Monster List Y #

Yellow Mould2--Dmg immunity all but fire, Spore cloud: Con save or die in 6 rounds, Wood & leather eaten away

Table 69: Monster List Z #
