Magic Items
Ammunition +1, +2, +3Bonus to attack and damage
Amulet of HealthCon score is 19
Armor +1, +2, +3Bonus to AC
Bag of Holding8’ x 8’, 500lb extradimensional holding space
Boots of ElvenkindAdvantage on stealth
Bracers of Archery+2 to attack and damage for bows
Cloak of ElvenkindAdvantage on stealth
Cloak of Protection +1+1 to AC and saves
Dragon Slayer (Sword +2)+2d6 damage to dragons
Flame Tongue (Sword +1)+2d6 fire damage
Gauntlets of Ogre PowerStr score is 19
Frost Brand (Sword +1)+2d6 cold damage
Giant Slayer (Axe +1)+2d6 damage to giants
Headband of IntellectInt score is 19
Holy Avenger (Sword +3)+2d6 damage to undead
Mantle of Spell ResistanceAdvantage on saves vs spells
Manual of GolemsHigh level casters can learn how to build a golem
Portable Hole6’ sq cloth is also a hole 10’ deep
Potion of Healing1d4+1, 2d4+2, 3d4+3, or 4d4+4 HP restored
Potion of (spell)That spell in a bottle, 3 uses
Potion of Poison3d6 dmg each round until a successful Con save
Ring of Animal FriendshipSpeak with animals, 3 charges
Ring of InvisibilityInvisibility, 3 charges
Ring of Mind ShieldingImmune to mind reading
Ring of Protection +1+1 to AC and saves
Ring of SwimmingSwim speed 30’ for 10 minutes, 3 charges
Robe of Useful ItemsHas 2 each of common dungeoneering items plus 4d4 patches of random sundries
Shield +1, +2, +3Bonus to AC
Spell ScrollContains one spell on it
StaffEach one is unique, has a name, and has at least 3 effects
Sword of Life StealingCritical hits deal +2d6 dmg and you are healed for that same amount
Vicious Weapon (any)+2d6 dmg on critical hits
Vorpal SwordTarget loses one head on critical hits
Wand7 charges of 1 spell
Wand of the War Mage +1, +2, +3Bonus to spell attacks
Wand of Wonder7 charges, casts an arcane spell or bizarre, innocuous effect randomly
Weapon +1, +2, +3Bonus to attacks and damage
Winged BootsFly speed 30’ up to 1 hour/day